Conscious living

In today’s era, life has become so fast that people have become like machines. Machines don’t do the conscious living. They only follow instructions or the programming that is fed inside them. This is what humans have also started doing with their respective lives. Most of the time their brains are occupied with something else while doing a task. For eg. – They may be thinking about work even while eating and thinking about food while working.
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The Purpose of Life – Demystified

Life is a mystery. Everyone wants to resolve this mystery. There is no end to human curiosity. We are more attracted to mysteries and have a strong desire to resolve them. No one is sure about how and why we came to this life. Though there are many theories about it. Many people have this notion that everyone has a purpose in life. So they start searching for it. Do you also think the same, and are looking for the purpose of life?
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Forgiveness – The Truth

Forgiveness - The Truth

Though there are many theories regarding the origin and the actual meaning of the word forgiveness. However ideologically meaning of forgiveness is “Thoroughly giving without reservation”. It means that to give up on the feelings of hatred and resentment towards someone who wronged you.
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Meditation for Beginners

Meditation for Beginners

Nowadays, we all hear about meditation and the benefits we can harvest from it. Even science also supports meditation as a mind relaxing tool. It releases the tension from your body and mind. Moreover, it makes you healthier and helps you to have a relaxed sleep. I am sure that you must have tried to do meditation once in a while whether you got successful or not. You might have felt relaxed, peaceful, overwhelmed, frustrated, etc while or after doing it. Everyone has his/her own experiences. Meditation helps you fight anxiety and anger issues. It brings you overall good mental health.
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