Conscious living

Conscious living

Include yoga in your routine

Yoga is for balancing the body, mind, and soul. It helps you in keeping healthy. Refresh your mind by releasing stress. Healthy body and mind lead you to be a happy soul. Healthy body and mind play a major role to awaken your senses. Learn yoga from qualified instructors as they can teach you the depth of your body and can help you to learn to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Prepare your body well before to bear the pressure of energy released while becoming conscious at all levels. You can include TAI CHI as a replacement for yoga if you have any health issues. Although yoga is always preferred as it can aid your health issues.


As I mentioned earlier, conscious living is not only about becoming aware of your surrounding but also about your own self. Your own self which is inside the body also called as soul. When you are becoming aware of your inner self, you will be filled with tremendous energy which flows inside you.

It’s like you will find this endless stream of energy. Therefore, you should be mentally and physically prepared. For that purpose do yoga and meditate. Yoga for balancing and meditation for keeping calm. Read more about meditation in the article “Meditation for beginners”.

Conscious living is such an experience which is hard to explain in words. You will come to know only when you will start walking on the path. Conscious living doesn’t mean that you should leave the whole world aside. Yet you can stay centered while living in society. For eg., a lotus blooms in muddy waters. The lotus grows amidst the mud and it opens its petals one by one.

It nurtures itself with the muddy water but it is still exquisite; despite being completely surrounded by unpleasant ambient. Same is human life; we reach our ultimate peak only when are surrounded by all kind of nuisances, challenges and unfavorable conditions in the world. The more challenges we encounter, the more we explore ourselves. We have so much power hidden inside us. You get to know this hidden treasure only when you consciously participate in various activities in the existence to grow upward, to get best of yourself.

Take the input from the outside world and grow inside using it without getting touched by it. This happening of events around you improves ‘you’ as an individual. You get nourished by it. Yet you must embrace everything around you, both favorable or unfavorable, and then only you can grow and gain wisdom. For example, how would you know your emotions if you are not surrounded by people who trigger these emotions in you? This is the only way to become aware of that side of your personality.

Moreover, the way you deal with them unveils about your individuality and your true self. The awareness is that anything which happens in the outside world does not touch you; just like the lotus which is not all wrapped by enclosing mud. Though you become sensitive about people and nature around you. But soon you will realize that there is more depth in their existence. You start feeling this whole world as one, as an integral part of each other. We all are part of the evolution. Being conscious doesn’t mean to be serious but be determined and live consciously while celebrating life. Look close enough to see the truth of yourself and your surroundings.

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Kia Singh

Kia Singh is an entrepreneur, spiritual seeker, writer, and life coach. She writes to convey her own life experiences which has inspired many in their life journey. In leisure time, Kia is found sticking to books or reading science research papers. You can reach her at [email protected]

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    How to control emotions – The little known territory – Life-n-smile Posted on5:25 pm - September 27, 2019

    […] Conscious living August 1, 2018 Spiritual Insights 0 […]

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